Poem: The Young’n

By H.St.V.Beechey I babysit in the soft warm sand. She runs about on sturdy legs. Perhaps she is sitting me—I do not run much any more. She calls to me. “Great-grand-papa!” Each consonant crisp as a race-caller. “Great-grand-papa. Come quick! See? What is it?” Creaking, I answer her urgency, to where she squats Her attention…


Water Ponds

The Importance of Water Land hermit crabs require both fresh and saline water ponds or pools to drink from. It is recommended that you add a water conditioner such as Seachem Prime which will remove chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals as well as ammonia from their fresh water. You will also need to make up…



AUSTRALIAN LAND HERMIT CRABS   There are only two species of land hermit crabs in Australia: Coenobita variabilis and Coenobita perlatus. Coenobita variabilis   Coenobita perlatus   THE REST OF THE WORLD There are so many land hermit crab species around the world. The most comprehensive resource is Coenobita Species run by Stacy Griffith.  …


Hermit Crab Researchers

A Abrahams, Peter – University of Toronto. RESEARCH TITLE: Community Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology and Theory Abrams, Peter , J. P. 1993 Desportes Review of Assessments and Decisions: A Study of Information Gathering by Hermit Crabs, by R. W. Animal Behaviour Vol. 46, No. 3, September 1993 http://www.idealibrary.com/links/doi/10.1006/anbe.1993.1235 B Barnes, D. K. Barnes DK. Resource availability: Ancient…
